Thursday, April 28, 2011

How to Prepare For The Prose Passage

The prose passages, questions doesn't focus on what the author says but on the  language and rhetorical choices made by the author.  In the AP exam, prose essay question test your sharpness of rhetorical concepts.  In the prose essay you are asked to analyze how such Rhetorical concepts such as the following .... are used to explain the question.



Analytical Focus:  For the Analytical focus you can use different literary elements to make your passage more effective and detailed. 

Diction ,Characterization, Imagery, Style, Symbols, Setting, Narrative Pace, Structure,Tone, Mood,  Attitude.

Example: In a well organize essay, discuss how Alice Walker conveys the meaning of "The Flowers" and how she prepares the reader for the ending of this short story.

Answer: Therefore, for this prose essay question you can use imagery, symbol, setting, diction and style to convey the meaning and how she prepares the reader for the ending of the short story.The diction of paragraph, four and five also contributes to the sudden shift or translation in the passage.

In the beginning of the story it was full of joy then in paragraph four and five it shifted through means of diction to show how she preparing the reader for the end of the novel.

In the passage The Flowers the imagery contributes to the setting. For example the author uses crops, corn, cotton, peanuts and squash as examples to show that the harvest is on the way and that they are in southern part of the United States. This contributes to the meaning of the passage by showing how the setting played a role to what the author is saying.

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